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Another Chapter in my Life

Figured I'd start updating my blog again to chronicle this new journey in my life I'm undertaking. A lot has happened since my last post here. One is that I've found LOVE  (I'll tell you our story in another post) :-)

So.. I am thinking of turning this blog into some sort of diary so I remember the details of our journey to finally be together someday and the random everyday things going on in my life. I've been wanting forever to get this going again and the catalyst that finally got me to start is an email I received earlier today from my fiance. We finally got an update on our fiancee visa application!! So yeah today's epic and I am feeling awesome! It's just the start and I know there's still a  long road ahead but I am so in a good mood and I feel like the stars are finally aligning in our favor. I am giddy giddy happy! ..but sleepy haha so ciao for now and I will continue this tomorrow :-)