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Drink Green Tea to Lose Weight

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I've been drinking green tea everyday for several months now. I'm not talking about the powdered tea you can buy in groceries (that's so loaded with sugar!) or the bottled ones. I'm talking about the loose tea leaves and tea bags that you actually steep in hot water.

Studies show that green tea burns fat faster as it has a thermogenic effect. It produces heat in the body that results in fat burning. It also initiates faster metabolism causing the body to burn fat at a faster rate. It also has anti-oxidants that can prevent cancer, plus so much more benefits. You can google it and read more about the health benefits of drinking tea :)

At home, I use the loose leaf tea. It actually tastes better than tea bags. I drink it without sugar, or sometimes I put in a teaspoon of honey to make it a bit sweeter. I also drink it at work, teabags are better because it is handy plus I usually use 1 tea bag twice. Just don't let it steep for more than three minutes as it will taste bitter.

I think drinking green tea takes some time getting used to. Specially if you don't put sugar in it. Hehe. What I usually do is buy teas with added flavor in it. Lipton has peppermint and lemon green tea. A bit pricier is Twinings. It comes in a box of 20 tea bags and 5 different flavors. You can also try the ones you can buy in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. It tastes great as well plus it's really smells good. I love their strawberry flavored and japanese cherries green tea. :)

I usually drink it hot and sugarless, but sometimes I steep it in just a little bit of hot water then pour in ice and cold water plus some sugar substitute or honey to spice it up. In a day, I drink about 4-6 cups of green tea (2-3 tea bags in a day)

On another note, I just want to share what I found online. I've always loved the Iced Tea in Wendy's. It's a recipe for their tea:

1 big glass of water (1/4 hot)
1 Lipton tea bag normal flavor
1 Lipton Green tea bag
1 lemon
Sugar (or sugar substitute)
Ice cubes

Anonymous said...
July 5, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

Good read Van! hmmm... I got curious on your last note though. incidentally, i also love much wendy's iced tea. just can't get enough of it. now your reciepe i've got to try! =) Thanks for sharing! =)

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