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Happy Father's Day!


I've been thinking of what to give my dad for Father's day. Well my limited budget wouldn't allow me to get him one of the expensive shirts he's so fond of having so I decided to give him the next best thing, I'm just going to make him a cake! Make not bake! (Hahaha damn oven's broken!) So I went to the grocery and bought ingredients so I can make a mango float (Graham, mangoes, cherries, nuts, milk, and cream). My dad's got a sweet tooth so Im pretty sure he'll like it! It may not cost a lot but it's made with love so this one's priceless. Hahaha
To all the fathers out there! Today's your day! Your children may not say it often, but we certainly appreciate everything you've done for us and we love you very very much.
To my dad, you may not be perfect, but for me, you are the GREATEST dad! xoxo
Happy Father's Day!!
My grandparents will arrive from Vegas today and my family went to the airport to welcome them home. Too bad I've got work! Since it's on the way, I had them drop me off Ayala. I'm stuck here till 9pm. :-( I'm supposed to follow them later, eek it's going to be too late when I get there..hopefully I still have some leftover pasalubongs and food for me. Hahaha diet's off for now. It's my cheat day! hahaha
I'm so excited to see Mama and Papa, it's been quite a while since I last saw them. The cake I made is for them too! I made about 4 batches. That should be enough for everyone to share :). Just 8 more hours. tick tock tick tock. Can't wait for the time to pass! I'll be off here running to the nearest MRT station in a jiffy.


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