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Wohoo I got a photo in the Philippine Allstars Page!


This made my day today! Our company has its monthly Theme Friday today and it's all about Independence day. Uhmm we're specifically told to wear heroes costumes but it's my restday today and I wasn't really sure if I want to come so I didn't prepare for anything to wear. I decided to go at the last minute and just wore my red Allstars shirt and a blue pants. I told them I am the Flag! ahahaha.

I took lots of photos earlier and if you want to check it out, it's in my multiply page. Allstars has a multiply page where they post photos of people wearing the shirt and I sent a message about mine. After just a minute, I got a reply from them and they have put my photo in their album!

It's sooo cool!

Anyways..if you don't know who the group AllStars is, they won the 2006 World HipHop Championship and is a very tough yearly contender in that competition! Check out their vids in youtube. They definitely rock it!

I love them because they're also very God-centered. Their friendster shoutout says "we're number 2, coz He'll always be number 1!"

And this is from their about me page:

Allstars is a filipino based dance group originally made up of 12 young and talented performers known for its authentic hiphop and RnB flava which combines different styles of urban grooves to its international status. The group puts breakdancing, pop lockin', freestyling, krump, old school and new school in the mix. Each member contributes to the solid foundation thru their own inviduality and style. Allstars started as close knit friends coming from different backgrounds and was formed for the 4th World Hip Hop Championships held in Los Angeles, California where they placed 6th out of 26 other competing teams. Last year, Allstars put Philippines on the map when they won the GOLD in the 2nd International Hip Hop Open D'Italia in Torino, Italy last June & the 5th World Hip Hop Championships in Redondo Beach, California last July 29, 2006. They continue and hope to positively improve the country's standards in the entertainment industry by spreading their knowledge and awareness thru the art of dancing. Allstars are featured in many events, concerts, tours, TV guestings, commercials, music videos and print ads.

Their page is here: http://allstars2005.multiply.com/. Check it out! :)


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