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How it was back then


I was not really overweight. I was more of what you'd say a "chubby" girl or someone with a "healthy" body. I'm 5'0 tall and on my heaviest, I weighed 128lbs and my BMI is 25. Technically that still is within the healthy range for my height. BMI (Body Mass Index) or the amount of body fat based on height and weight should be between 19-25 to be considered within the normal range. If I just add 2 more pounds, my BMI would be 25.4 and I'd be considered overweight! (If you want to know what's the healthy weight for you, you can check out this site)

I lost weight when I was in college, back then I was around 110 lbs. I started dieting and going to the gym. Sad to say my weight ballooned when I started working. I worked for a callcenter and I was in technical support. So you know the scenario: graveyard shift, stressful work, overtimes, irate customers, guy teammates, and money to spend! In my first team, I was the only girl and I was in a company of guys who love to eat all day! After a few months, I was barely able to wear anything that I have in my closet.

I decided to start going to the gym again. I used to go to Red Corner in Intercon Hotel and then became a member of Fitness First for almost 3 years . Those times, I'd lose and gain a few pounds but never really anything that I was able to keep off for long. I also did the South Beach diet, I lost 10 lbs on my first week in Phase1 of the diet. Then I went on vacation with my friends and for 7 days, we were in Bacolod pigging out and trying out the different restaurants! It was such a fun experience but caused me to gain 6 pounds.

I've always tried to eat healthy and cut out bad fats and carbs from my diet and exercise regularly but I wasn't getting the body I wanted nor seeing the results I want to see. I've worked with personal trainers and a nutritionist so you can say I've learned a lot about what to eat right and what to do to lose the weight. I was just very impatient because Im not seeing the results so I'd stop for awhile then start the cycle all over again.


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