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New Me


After the nth time, I finally decided to start blogging AGAIN. I say again because I have started-stopped-started blogging several times now. It's been more than a year since my last post on my old blog and several months since my last post in multiply.

Why did I start blogging again? I feel that there is so much I need to share specially since I have become serious in my battle against weight. Now that I am succeeding and seeing results, I want to be able to share this with my friends and show them all the helpful things I've been getting from the net.

I also sort of have a lot of free time now and I can spend some time updating my blog unlike before where all I want to do after work is sleep.

Lastly, I've been thinking of ways to earn extra money and having a blog and putting ads could help in some way.

So, that's it basically!

I spent all day today looking for templates and I decided to use this. I'd probably have to customize it some other time.


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